College Counseling

College Preparation From Day One

At HRA, college preparation starts well before Grade 12—it begins the moment a student joins our school. The college admissions process may seem daunting at first, but our goal is to help inform your student about their options, feel supported and guided throughout the application process and ultimately gain admission to the college or university of their choice. Throughout this process, our college counselors guide students and their families through every step, from researching colleges and universities to making the final decision on where to attend.

Maintaining HRA’s 100% College Acceptance Rate

HRA’s College Counseling Process

College preparation is integrated into our curriculum and student life, but the process truly begins in ninth grade. Then, faculty advisors help students plan their coursework and balance academics with extracurricular activities and athletics. In the ninth and tenth grades, college counselors meet with students and hold regular parent information sessions. Formal counseling intensifies in the junior year, starting with our annual College Night, which kicks off that year’s college application process.

During their junior year, students and their parents meet one-on-one with a college counselor early in the spring semester to create an initial list of colleges. Students and parents work closely with the college counseling staff, from the first meeting to graduation. Here is a closer look at how we help each grade level prepare for a successful college application process:

Grade 9

  • The College Counseling Office holds information sessions for students and their families. These sessions cover the college counseling process, the current state of college admissions and how to understand PSAT 8/9 results.

Grade 10

  • The Counseling Office holds one-on-one meetings with families. These meetings provide information on course selection and career planning, starting the college search process and understanding PSAT results.

Grade 11

  • We organize a multi-college tour for students. Each visit includes information sessions with admissions staff, tours, meals at the dining halls and informational sessions with HRA alumni.
  • The Counseling Office hosts a mock admissions session with college admissions staff for students and their families.
  • Students take both the PSAT and a practice ACT to identify personal preferences and focus on test preparation.
  • Students and their families meet with the College Counseling Office to plan their senior year courses, create a list of colleges to consider and develop a standardized test schedule.
  • The Office also offers a college application “boot camp” and multiple college essay writing workshops throughout the year.

Grade 12

  • The College Counseling Office hosts Senior College Night, an engaging evening program that provides important information on financial aid and scholarships.
  • College counselors offer several workshops focused on writing college application essays throughout the fall. 
  • The office also presents a Senior Transition Program for soon-to-be graduates, featuring sessions on financial literacy and making good choices in college.

Meet The HRA College Counseling Team

Our experienced College Counselors are excited to help HRA students and their families navigate the college application process. HRA’s dedicated  counselors are here to guide you and your student through every step of the college application process. From exploring potential colleges and universities to crafting compelling personal statements and preparing for interviews, our team provides personalized support to help students find their best-fit college. Learn more about our team!

College Counseling Resources

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college counseling hampton roads academy

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Monday – Friday: 7:30 am – 5:00 pm