Your 2024 Graduating Class
Seniors of Hampton Roads Academy
Congrats to the HRA Class of 2024! Through years of hard work, perseverance and countless memories, the Class of 2024 has showcased incredible achievements both inside and outside the classroom. On graduation day, we celebrated their journey, highlighting their academic accomplishments, extracurricular triumphs, and the unique spirit that defines this remarkable group of students. Join us in continuing to honor their legacy and wish them the best as they prepare to step into the next chapter of their lives.
The 47 members of the Class of 2024 will attend 25 different colleges and universities. Seven of them will play NCAA athletics next year. One of them is a Nationalist Merit Scholarship Finalist and five of them are National Merit Scholarship Commended Scholars. They will be studying engineering, theater, architecture, business, medicine and in the liberal arts, and they collectively earned nearly $3 million in merit-based scholarships.

Ozan Anatolian
“HRA has devoted and interactive teachers who are always willing to help students with school work and have personal conversations with students to establish close connections.”
“HRA has taught me to be kind and gentle with myself and others. I have also been able to learn from my mistakes and grow as a person.”

Leya Baalbaki
“Most of my teachers have challenged and supported me so much along the way. Mr. Arcand and Dr. Gendreau are two of the most influential teachers in my life. Their classes were very hard, but I was able to learn so much. I was able to be a better student.”

Miles Brandon
“The teachers are always available and willing to help. All you have to do is ask.”
“When you come into the Upper School and throughout your time, always be willing to make new friends.”

Paul “Pierce” Brindley
“I will miss the different lunches that are provided each day.”
“The teachers at HRA have taught me a lot. Mr. Hailey reinforced that classes I didn’t think I would enjoy, can still be fun.”

Ryan Cherry
“HRA helped me discover that I enjoy engineering, physics, and astrophysics.”
“The teachers at HRA helped me grow and become a better person that I would’ve been otherwise.”

Chloe Cone
“My favorite memory of HRA is from the gingerbread house building in the lower school. It was always a fun way to celebrate the winter holidays. This year, we had a full circle moment by building gingerbread houses before exams.”
“Mrs. Blankenship was an amazing lower school teacher. She was always supportive and would encourage me to be the best version of myself.”

Carter Cook
“My favorite memories from each division remind me of how much this school means to me. The fall festivals in lower school were always a great time. The 8th grade Field Trip to DC was awesome. And of course during my junior year, the DC College Trip.”
“HRA has taught me that if i put in the work, anything is achievable. It has also taught me that even if a dream seems unachievable, you should pursue it because where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

Leo Feng
“HRA has helped me to realize that I learn best when I am surrounded by a supportive community and personable teachers. I know I will seek a similar environment when I go to college, as well as beyond in my career.”
“The most influential teacher I have had is Mr. Arcand, as my Honors and AP chemistry teacher. Mr. Arcand was super knowledgeable about chemistry as well as incredibly fun. He taught chemistry in a way that made me want to pursue it to a higher degree.”

Christopher Freshwater
“HRA has prepared me for my future by showing me how to navigate a heavy workload, while providing the necessary support to have Success. HRA has helped me learn how to manage my time effectively, set a high standard for myself and communicate well.”
“My favorite memory of HRA is the college tour we took at the beginning of our junior year. I enjoyed learning about all of the opportunities available for college, getting to know my classmates, and spending the evening exploring Washington, D.C. with new friends.”

Harley “Tucker” Gardner
“My most influential teacher at HRA was my sixth grade English teacher, Mrs. Massengill. She was the best teacher I have had. she encouraged me to do my best and sparked my interest in reading.”
Ellie Goldberg
“I am what is called a lifer. I have been a student at HRA for 14 years.”
“HRA has offered countless opportunities in and out of the classroom to better prepare me for life, and has made me realize what I want to do in the future.”
“My favorite memory was from lower school making gingerbread houses every year. It was a great way to celebrate the holidays before winter break, and have some fun!”
Riley Gregory
“Some of my favorite memories at HRA are playing battle ball in PE. The competition with my classmates was amazing and It was fun!”
“All of my teachers are easy to talk to. An influential teacher in my time at HRA was probably Dr. Gendreau. I had her throughout all four years in the Upper School. She taught me just about all I know about science and biology.”
Ava Grisdale-Walsh
“HRA has taught me to be kind, strong, respectful, and confident in myself.”
“My favorite memory at HRA is probably Senior Prom. I had so much fun dancing and joking with my friends and getting a mini dance lesson from Allison Trudeau!”
Daniel Hager
“I’ve made close relationships with teachers which has helped me to better comprehend what is being asked of me.”
“I will always appreciate the support that teachers like Mr. Clover have had for me and other classmates of mine. Talking to him is always a welcome break from everything going on.”
Chailea Harvey
“HRA has prepared me for the transition to college through the rigorous course work and class expectations.”
“An influential teacher at HRA was Mrs. Clover. She really helped me to feel comfortable during the first year that I joined HRA. She took extra time to work with me when I needed the help.”
Tessa Holbrook
“My favorite moment at HRA was during my work on my senior project. I was able to teach sign language in the lower school. I was so excited to share my knowledge and passion about ASL. I was so impressed. When all of the children learned the signs and information, I showed them.”
Keira Holloway
“HRA has been a part of my educational journey for the last 14 years. I am a lifer.”
“HRA has prepared and shaped me for my future by allowing me to find my passion, flourish in my area of study, and give me guidance so I can jump right into my field of study in college. HRA has helped me create proficient study habits, time-managements skills, and taught me the importance of a good work/life balance.”
“Being here for so long, I have so many memories from over the years. One of my favorite memories was all the way back in fourth grade on field day. As per HRA tradition, the fourth graders get to be the only ones competing in tug-of-war. For so many years I had watched the big kids play and waited for my turn. Finally, it was here. I was the anchor for the girls round and my best friend was right in front of me. I remember the cheers being so loud and teachers yelling words of encouragement until we finally gave one last yank and the game was ours. That year, our team went on to also win the entirety of field day. B-L-U-E all the way to victory!”
Robert “Scott” Holloway
“My favorite memory at HRA has to be working backstage for the production of Legally Blonde the Musical. It was so chaotic, I didn’t stop moving or changing the sets during the entire performance. I found out that I can move an entire bed all by myself. I will probably remember this for a really long time.”
“Being a lifer at HRA, has given me plenty of opportunities to grow and find out what I like. HRA has guided me to what I want to do, ways to apply myself and show where my potential lies.”
Henry Hutchens
“My favorite memories from my time at HRA have always come from playing Sports throughout the spring Season. Being able to play both, golf and baseball, my two favorites, in the same season, is such a fun thing to do. I always have the most fun during the spring season and I love being able to play with my brother and my friends.
“HRA has taught me to be more determined and disciplined. HRA has always kept me in-check and held me accountable. I am encouraged to improve and be a better person.”
Brayden Kinney
“I have two influential teachers that have helped to guide me on my way. Ms. Lassiter and Mrs. Hager have shown me how they really care for their students by hearing and addressing any and all concerns that I bring to them. even suggesting things in anticipation of those concerns. they are really great people to have on your side.”
Emma Krzyzanowski
“HRA has helped me prepare for my future immensely. I learned many academic and social skills that I will be able to apply to my life forever. I was able to participate in many opportunities that helped me discover what I want as my future career. Coming to HRA was one of the best decisions I ever made. It has helped me become the best version of myself.”
“HRA has taught me that I am capable of achieving all of my goals. My teachers and peers have helped me see that it is okay to fail and that it is just a step in a much bigger process.”
Grayson Lopez
“The best memory I have from my time at HRA was during my junior year. We were playing in a soccer game vs Walshingham at William and Mary. It was a great game! I played well and it was a fun experience under the lights.”
Rowan Lowekamp
“HRA helped me realize that I love government. When I go to college, I am planning on going into pre-law and pursuing my passion for the subject. HRA gave me the confidence that I needed to perform on stage and speaking in front of others.”
Colby Motley
“HRA has helped me prepare to not only be a good student, but I have learned how to use my time wisely, ask for help and try my best.”
“Coming to HRA three years ago gave me an opportunity to push my boundaries academically. When I put forth the effort and give it my best, I realized that I am pretty smart when I apply myself.”
Bianca Noble
“I believe some of the best memories are the ones that pop up by surprise. Fall Festival was always a great memory, whether I was attending with my friends and family when I was younger, to volunteering when I was older; the memories that come to mind about fall festival bring me joy and a smile to my face.”
Charles Overman
“HRA has taught me the importance of going the extra mile with everything; whether doing the extra studying, training harder in sports, or engaging as much as possible in class. All of these will help you become a better student.”
“My favorite memory is scoring a goal in the last seconds of the TCIS Quarterfinal Soccer game against Catholic. We ended up winning that same game in a penalty shoot out.”
Walter Parks III
“HRA has taught me to be Resilient and persevere when faced with any challenge.”
“I never had “friendships” prior to coming to HRA. There were people at school that I would interact with from time-to-time, but that was it. Being able to actually connect with others at HRA has lead me to develop relationships that I feel will last a lifetime.”
Sabrina Post
“HRA has taught me the importance of hard work and determination. I am able to create realistic goals and I know how to work to achieve them.”
“I have had so many teachers who have provided me with an engaging and active learning environment. Mrs. Mertz was definitely the most influential teacher for me because I could always talk to her about anything, whether it be school related or non school related. She is the reason I love the Spanish language.”
Jamison Prokopik
“The REACH program at HRA has prepared me for the next steps with an eventual career in the health sciences, through rigorous academics and hands on experiences. I was able to intern with an athletic trainer and shadow a surgeon through the REACH program.”
“The small class sizes have made HRA feel like a family!”
Ayla Reddix
“HRA has helped me figure out what I want to study in college by exposing me to super interesting classes (international relations) and giving me the opportunity to study things outside of the normal school day.”
“The teacher who has impacted me the most is probably Mrs. Donavant who encouraged me during my first year here and has been a constant source of support and advice. She was also my cheer coach and trusted me in leadership positions which has greatly boosted my confidence and allowed me to utilize my leadership skills.”
Joseph Rosati
“HRA helped me develop the values of planning ahead and productivity. I am able to push myself much further if I put my mind to something than I originally believed.”
“The teachers at HRA have helped extend my creativity because oftentimes, their assignments involve things I normally do not think of or do in my everyday life. An influential teacher of mine was Mr. Clover. he encouraged me to think outside of the box. The opportunity to try something new in his classroom gave me the strength to take risks and know that is ok to fail.”
James “Cooper” Rose
“My time at HRA has given me the opportunity to try new things, test my limits, and succeed in areas I had never dreamed of.”
Caroline Rous
“I have been a student at HRA for 14 Years.”
“My favorite memory is Pajama Day with hot chocolate in lower school, along with making Gingerbread Houses before the holidays.”
“HRA has shown me that I REALLY love the chicken pot pie served in the dining hall and really need engaging teachers, so I am able to give my best work.”
Isabella Saunders
“HRA has allowed me to connect more easily with teachers one on one, as well as having advisors to help, encouraged me to be a better version of myself.”
“The friendships I have gained during my short period of time at HRA have ultimately shown me that I do not need to act a certain way to make new friends. I just need to be myself.”
Nathan Seeley
“My favorite memory from my time at HRA was in Fifth Grade when Mrs. Grayson saw that I was struggling when I first started at HRA. she went out of her way to help me adjust to the school. She made sure I felt comfortable with the environment and the material, while not singling me out.”
Tyler Seeley
“My favorite memory at HRA was beating Norfolk Academy during my freshman year on the soccer team. At the end of the game, everyone carried me around.”
“The teachers at HRA have been awesome and have made me a better person. Mrs. Hager, Mr. Ducksworth, and Ms. Deeley, have been some of my favorites. They were always there when I needed to talk or just needed a hand.”
Jack Silberhorn
“I have always loved the delicious chicken tikka masala served in the dining hall at HRA.”
“During my time at HRA, I have realized that I am not afraid to be myself.”
Zoe Tankersley
“HRA has taught me that I can be self-motivated to reach my goals.”
“My friendships at HRA have filled my life with laughter and countless memories.”
Kaylee Thames
“Mr. Hailey basically had my back the second I got in his class. he made sure that I understood previous knowledge, and my work in government would be accepted in his class. He helped me keep on task with my work when I was going through some rough times. he helped mentor me on my senior project when I didn’t know what I was doing. he set me up for success going into political science and law in college.”
Allison Trudeau
“HRA creates the perfect environment where it’s almost comfortable to leave your comfort zone with the clubs they provide and the leadership opportunities that are open to all students.”
“HRA has taught me how to develop professional relationships with my teachers and mentors. Through these connections, I have learned how to grow and adapt in a professional environment and set myself up to succeed.”
“Mr. George is one of the best teachers I have had! Our relationship went well beyond the classroom with him teaching me valuable life skills ranging from changing a tire to reading and sharing cheesy love poems. I have enjoyed spending my high school years with him, and I’m going to miss him so much!”
Kenneth Vander Vennet
“My favorite memory at HRA was working backstage with my sister.”
“An influential teacher at HRA was Mrs. Hager. She has helped support my media literacy, and let me express my own ideas often.”
Eric Wei
“My favorite memory from all 14 years at HRA is when Mr. Arcand made a slideshow called Top Five Test disappointments when our whole AP Chemistry class did not do that well on a test. it was funny yet, very impactful for my learning experience.”
Cayden West
“My favorite memory is hanging out in the library with my friends at Mrs. Mac’s circulation desk.”
“I’m going to miss going up to see one of my favorite teachers Mr. Zornitta. he taught me some amazing life skills, and it was nice to know I could place my trust in a teacher.”
“Some of the most influential teachers I’ve had would be Mrs. Ouellette because of her amazing personality and strong demeanor, Mrs. Donavant because of her willingness to listen and help with problems, and Mrs. Clemons who was there even when I did not know I needed her to be. I truly believe without these teachers, I would not have been able to make it through high school.”
Zoe Wilson
“HRA has taught me how to handle difficult situations. The academics have prepared me for rigorous classes in college.”
“I am going to miss the tight-knit community at HRA. I know almost everyone here and it is so nice to be able to say “hi” to teachers and peers on my way to class. I am also going to miss the small classes. They have helped me to engage in asking for help from teachers.”
Sofia Yeshtokina
“The most influential teacher I have had at HRA is Dr. Gendreau. She has taught me in three different classes. She teaches me in three different blocks this year, and she is my advisor. She has been very patient with me this entire year, and is always there when I need help or someone to talk to.”
Charting Futures, Shaping Leaders
Monday – Friday: 7:30 am – 5:00 pm