Meet The HRA Team
At Hampton Roads Academy, we believe that our people are what make us great. From our talented teachers to our wonderful non-teaching office and facilities staff, our team brings a wealth of experience to our school. Additionally, our team is dedicated to bettering itself through continual education. We champion professional development and lifelong learning through our robust professional development program.
Explore our faculty and staff directory below!

Our People Are The Heart Of Our School
Our dedicated faculty and team members serve as the backbone of Hampton Roads Academy. With a diverse range of experiences and backgrounds, they bring invaluable insights and knowledge to our classrooms, offices and halls. Our educators are experts in their respective fields. We take pride in nurturing a culture of continuous learning, where professional growth is valued and supported.

Investing In Professional Development
To ensure that our faculty remains at the forefront of education, Hampton Roads Academy maintains a robust professional development program. This program includes opportunities for experts to visit our campus and for faculty members to engage in enriching experiences off-site. By fostering a culture of lifelong learning, we empower our educators to inspire and challenge our students to reach their fullest potential.
Explore Our Faculty and Staff
Please select one of the divisions below to explore the dedicated individuals who make up the Hampton Roads Academy team. Whether they are part of the Lower School, Middle School or Upper School, you will find passionate educators committed to providing exceptional learning experiences for all of our students.
HRA Team
Kelly Alford
Upper School History Teacher
Amy Annette
Foundations of Sports Medicine, Athletic Trainer, Assistant Athletic Director
Stacy Ansama
Middle School/Upper School Latin Teacher
Rebecca Beal
Lower School, 3rd Grade Teacher
Emily Benham
Lower School, 2nd Grade Teacher
Tiffany Brakefield
Lower School, Science Enrichment/Computer Teacher
Shellie Breitbeil
Lower School, 2nd Grade Teacher
Kristen Brown
School Nurse
Curtis Brown
Middle/Upper School Band Director
Melinda Calloway
Kate Carter
Upper School French Teacher
Will Caulford
Director of Technology
Erika Caulford
Lower School, Music Teacher
Elizabeth Cavallari
Director of College Counseling
Kendra Chappell
Upper School Physical Education Teacher
Kim Christenbury
Lower School Kindergarten Aide
LaVena Clark
Jenn Clemons
Upper School Art Teacher
Jeremy Clover
Upper School English Teacher, College Counselor
Sharon Cole
Lower School, Art Teacher
Kelly Combs
Middle School Science Teacher
Christine Contakes
Upper School Art Teacher
Sydney Cook
Middle School Spanish Teacher
Michael Cunningham
Middle School Teaching Associate, Strength and Conditioning Coach
Kim Davis
Melissa DeBoer
Middle School Director of Educational Technology
Maj. Mervyn Diaz
Director of Security
Rachel Donavant
Upper School History Teacher
Farica Erwin
Upper School Math Teacher
Bridgitte Ferguson
Middle School Science Teacher
Theresa Foster
Jaclyn Fritz
Lower School, 3rd Grade Teacher
Courtney Gardner
Director of Advancement
Maribel Gendreau
Upper School Science Teacher
Scott George
Upper School English Teacher
India Getchell
Kate Goddin
Director of Theatre
Lynwood Goens
Jordan Gray
Lower School, Kindergarten Teacher
Laurie Hager
Upper School English Teacher, Dean of Student Life
Christopher Hailey
Upper School History Teacher
Arkady Heifetz
Upper School Strings Teacher
Randi Helpinstill
Director of Finance
Hannah Hislop
Middle School English Teacher
Jordan Hoffmann
Admissions and Communications Coordinator
Christine Holloway
Executive Assistant to the Head of School
Mesha Jackson
Accounting Manager
Christine Crumlish Joyce
Middle School History/Latin Teacher
Christopher Joyce
Upper School History Teacher
Tony Lawrence Jr.
Gai Kenney
Lower School PK Aide
Josephine Kovalcik
Lower School,1st Grade Teacher
Colette Kunkel
Upper School English Teacher
Staci Lanier
Lower School, 1st Grade Teacher
Emilly Lasley
Advancement Associate
Jay Lasley
Head of School
Jennifer Lassiter
Upper School Math Teacher
Tony Lawrence
Kadejah Lawrence
David Legg
Director of Transportation, Head Football Coach
Kerry LiBrando
Middle School History Teacher
Destiny Lindsay
Lower School, Kindergarten Teacher
Tiny Liverman
Amanda MacDonnell
Elizabeth Marzan
Accounting/HR Specialist
Candice Mason
Lower School, 1st Grade Aide
Karen Massengill
Middle School English/Reading Teacher
Jennifer Massengill
Lower School, Fourth Grade Teacher
Stefanie McDermott
Lower School, 2nd Grade Teacher
Michelle Miesko
Middle School History/English Teacher
Jennifer Miller
Upper School Spanish Teacher
Chris Mills
Upper School Physical Education Teacher, Assistant Director of Athletics
Cynthia Montgomery
Middle School Administrative Assistant
Sarah Moore
Lower School, Junior Kindergarten Teacher
Lindsay Morena
Lower School Pre-K Teacher
Kim Morgan
Lower School, 1st Grade Teacher
Henry Morgan
Emily Neuner
Middle School Art Teacher
Amber Nierman
Lower School, 3rd Grade Teacher
Lauren Oaks
Upper School Science Teacher
Marcy Ouellette
Middle School, Upper School Science Teacher
Elizabeth Parisher
Upper School French Teacher
Nichole Patrick
Middle School English Teacher
Liza Perez
Lower School Spanish Teacher
Anthony Picott
Lower School, Kindergarten Aide
Callie Poole
Advancement Associate, Head Varsity Field Hockey Coach, Program Coordinator
Liz Queen
Lower School Administrative Assistant
William (Billy) Redfearn
Noelle Rennolds
Upper School Spanish Teacher
Kelley Rhodes
Lower School, 1st Grade Teacher
Neajah Robinson
Shymil Robinson
Charles (CJ) Rodwell
Elizabeth Rous
Upper School Psychology Teacher, Upper School Counselor
Benjamin Rous
Assistant Head of School, Director of Upper School
Jesse Rowe
Sous Chef
Uwe Schulszas
Executive Chef
Katie Schwizer
Upper School Science Teacher
Jeff Scott
Middle School Physical Education Teacher
Alejandra Segura
Middle School Math Teacher
Marshall Severin
Middle/Upper School Choir Director
Kathy Shepherd
Tina Silberhorn
Middle School English Teacher
Ron Sims
Lower School Physical Education Teacher
Gretchen Speece
Lower School, 4th Grade Teacher
Jocelyn Spencer
Assistant Director of Admissions
Ashley Spruill
Middle School Counselor
Laura Stoner
Director of Athletics
Ace Strickland
Director of Facilities
Susanne Swain
Director of Lower School
Ed Swanson
Director of Admissions
David Swinney
Shirley Tanguy
Director of Ancillary Programs
Kelly Taylor
Upper School Administrative Assistant
Caroline Thatcher
Lower School, Kindergarten Teacher
Lisa Thatcher
Director of Middle School
Kennetta Tingmen
Kimmielene Trower
Lee Underwood
Upper School Math Teacher
Eve Ware
Lower School PK Aide
Elisabeth Whetstine
Middle School Math Teacher
Mason Whitaker
Middle School History Teacher
Donald White
Savannah Whitten
Lower School, 4th Grade Teacher
Robert Williams
Upper School Science Teacher
Tommy Yevak
Director of Alumni Relations
Rafael Zornitta
Upper School Math Teacher
Charting Futures, Shaping Leaders
Monday – Friday: 7:30 am – 5:00 pm