Athletics Hall Of Fame

Nominate An Athlete, Coach Or Team Into Our Athletics Hall Of Fame

Since 2015, the Hampton Roads Academy Athletic Hall of Fame has honored individuals whose outstanding achievements have brought pride and distinction to HRA athletics. This award serves to inspire our current students to pursue excellence in athletics while embodying HRA’s core values. Nominations are open for an athlete, coach or team whose extraordinary achievements, commitment, sacrifice and dedication to our athletics program have brought pride and distinction to our school and community.

Hall Of Fame Inductees

2024 Honorees
Thad Shelly ’71
Dr. Leslie Stiff Jones ’87
The 1979 Varsity Boys Tennis Team
Coach Kelly Alford

2022 Honorees
Nancy L. Richwine
R. Maxwell Gillespie II
The 1987-1988 Varsity Boys Basketball Team

2018 Honorees
James Robert “Bobby” Harris III ’68
Ashley Meeker ’98
The 1995 Girls Swim Team

2017 Honorees
William A. Shelly ’77
The 1969 HRA Varsity Field Hockey Team
Caroline Hammond Varga ’03

2016 Honorees
Michael Dickens ’65 – Basketball
The 1989 Varsity Golf Team
Emily Behncke ’02 – Soccer

2015 Honorees
Walter Herman Hogg
The 1977 Varsity Football team
Thomas E. Yevak ’83
James J. Reid ’89
Matthew C. Behncke ’98

Submit A Nomination

Athletes and teams are eligible for nomination 10 years after their graduation from HRA, and current coaches are eligible once their direct affiliation with the athletics program has ended. However, exceptions to these criteria may be made by a unanimous vote of the selection committee. Nominees should have made notable accomplishments to HRA athletics, through scoring and skill, awards recognition, success post-graduation and service to HRA, and our athletics program and community.

Any member of the HRA community, including teachers, faculty, alumni and parents, may submit nominations for the HRA Athletic Hall of Fame. Nominations can be made below.

The Athletic Hall Of Fame Selection Process

The HRA Athletic Hall of Fame Selection Committee reads and reviews the submitted nominations and votes on the individuals who will be inducted into the HRA Athletic Hall of Fame. Winners are announced at a biennial Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Breakfast during Homecoming Weekend. Recipients receive a framed recognition plaque to take home and a second plaque is permanently installed in a designated area in the Alumni Hall.

The 2024 Athletic Hall Of Fame Induction Breakfast

The 2024 Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Breakfast will be held at 10:00 am on Saturday October 19, 2024 with a reception to follow. An RSVP will be required to attend the reception.

Submit Your Nomination

Hampton Roads Academy Athletic Hall of Fame

Charting Futures, Shaping Leaders

Monday – Friday: 7:30 am – 5:00 pm